Plans and Vision: Let the second year begin


Hello everyone and welcome to our last article of this anniversary week!


We would like to finish this week with an article about our plans and visions for next year. Where do we want to go with BlogIONIK? How are we planning to change our way of writing articles? What can we do differently (and hopefully better)?

Currently we are writing articles and put them into different categories such as: ‘Bottom-up approach’, ‘General’, ‘Complex systems’ or ‘Natural structures’. We have quite a number of categories and some of them have only a few articles. This shows that for now we are basically writing whatever interest us and then put the article in a category. After our first year we look back on this system positively – as we have quite a big number of different articles. Still: there is a little bit of a chaos around and we would like to start our second year of BlogIONIK with a little bit more structure.

In the next time we will start to set a main topic for one month. This could be something like ‘energy’ or maybe ‘wood’ or ‘water’… or maybe something technical like ‘engines’ or ‘public transport’. We will then publish a series of articles from every one of us related to that topic. But: from very different points of view (as we have different specialties) or with a different focus. For example: when we are talking about ‘energy’, me as a biologist could write about photosynthesis and what we could learn from that for technology. The engineers among us would maybe write about bio-inspired optimizations of power plants. Like this – we stay focused on one topic and still generate a portfolio of different articles.

A few months ago we had our first guest article. We would like to keep this up in the future. If we are dealing with a specific topic – maybe you are a specialist in that field and would like to contribute something? We would be happy to integrate you in our article series! Maybe we will also approach some people with special know-how from time to time to write an article which fits to our topics. Or maybe you have a suggestion?

It does not necessarily need to be a topic, we are writing different articles about. It might also be a question, for example: Which biomimetic invention could save the world? We already asked that to two people in our interviews and maybe a question like that could be interesting to get an answer also from us or some people which would like to write a guest article.

As we have the feeling the interviews we wrote were quite successful, we will keep this up in the future and are already looking for new interesting people to interview. Also here we are always happy for suggestions from your side! For now we focused on written articles, but maybe there will be a video or a podcast someday? We are definitely planning that for the next year!


One thing is for sure: our passion and main focus is Biomimetics and this will stay !!

We hope your enjoyed our anniversary week and to have giving you a resume of our first year.

From next week on, we will continue with one article per week. Soon, we are starting with our new concepts – we hope to see you around!


Anja, Jan, Kathi & Waseem



Katharina Bunk

My name is Katharina Bunk, I am 26 years old and work as a PhD student in the ‘Plant Biomechanics Group’ in the beautiful city of Freiburg. I studied Biology at the University of Munich followed by the Master program ‘Bionik/ Biomimetics in Energy Systems’ in Villach/ Austria. I am especially interested in Botany and therefore chose Plant Biomechanics as my main field of research.

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